R Markdown — Dynamic Documents for R posted on 15 Oct 2015 03:05 by ril
R Markdown - Dynamic Documents for R (read more…)
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Shiny - Data Visualization in R posted on 14 Oct 2015 20:43 by ril
Shiny - Data Visualization in R (read more…)
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Why Python for Data Analysis posted on 12 May 2015 02:49 by steve yun
The S language and its open source implementation - R - dominate the toolboxes of most data analysts. Whole armies of PhD candidates have implemented their dissertations as R libraries, enriching the R ecosystem in the process. R supports fantastic plotting functionality. The user community provides great technical and moral support. And all of this comes for free! If you need more reliable technical support, Revolution Analytics provides a commercial R distribution. So why would you consider another language for statistics, data analysis or predictive modeling? (read more…)
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KML Files from R posted on 06 May 2015 22:51 by sstam
This document describes how to use R to generate KML files. (read more…)
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Open Source Softare and ASOPs posted on 05 May 2015 17:30 by Rajesh S
<!DOCTYPE html> (read more…)
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dplyr - efficient data manipulation in R posted on 29 Sep 2014 00:09 by bescoto
dplyr is a data manipulation package for the R language. Although it was first released this year (2014), it has already become an essential tool for many. In fact, for actuaries learning R, I think it's worth picking up right away and considering a core part of the R language. Three reasons for this are: (read more…)
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